Monday, August 8, 2011

Props to Mayor Bloomberg of NYC...!

I would like to thank the mayor for recognizing the plight of  men in America, especially in
his own city, which should be used nationwide.
The mayor is helping Black and Latino men find jobs and also stay working in a program that he himself has invested alot of his own money in.
The program is unique, in that it not only helps them find jobs, it also focuses on hiring practices, like for example, if I owned a store that sold clothes I would probably hire a woman, simply because I'd rather look at her than a man or people feel more comfortable around woman than a man.. their are more but these are the excuses that some employers use to permote   gender bias.
I'm glad to see that at lease one politcan recognizes the overkill of feminism and its affects
on fathers and men across this country, that  NOBODY  seems to give-a-$%#* about ! !


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