Monday, February 13, 2012


The answer to that question is a unfortunate, NO!.  Today we are the scape-goats for everything.

We are considered 2nd class parents by this society, to being the big bad wolf by the media. today, everything is about women, women, women! from health to clothes to education, entertainment, media.
Let's talk about health for a moment, I tried to sign-up for a cessation group at my local health care center, I was turned away! I was told only women can sign-up, so I guess they don't care if men die of lung cancer.  President Obama is pushing to have catholic affiliated organizations to have their insurance cover female contraceptives. I say hey! what about us!..          On these morning news shows they talk about where women can go to get nice clothes at discounted prices and whats in and whats not in and how they would look in the clothes, I think to myself  "do these fuckin people think men walk around naked"!?
You know, we as men sometimes would like to know these things, as well. I mean we do buy clothes, right..
Today's schools are more focused on the girls than the boys, I don't know were that's coming from but it's true.    More and more comericals are showing families without fathers, contrary to popular belief
children deserve both parents...some of these t.v. shorts, we are portrayed as dumb, stupid or ignorant.

We are treated like a child by this country, like America is our parent and their putting all of their hopes and dreams on to one sibling and letting the other one waste away

It's like they want you to build a house and then they come in and take all of your tools away and say, build the house anyway, I don't get it !

I guess people care more about some old whore who fucked J.F.K. 50 years ago, than a father who is fighting for other fathers to be reconized as 1st class parents and to equalize our parental rights to women.......

One more thing, don't blame Bobby Brown ! !

                                            MORE TO COME ! !

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