In this country it's easier said than enforced, especially when it comes to men nowadays.
Our lives and our rights as males in this country for 45 years now have been slowly sacrificed in the
name of feminism. Some men in this country don't even acknowledge that it's happening, their like smokers who say and do nothing when society tells them when and where they can smoke!
Yes, feminism was relevant in the late 60's and early 70's (except abortion) but now women have moved soo far to the forefront, that it's in overkill. It has reached into all aspects of American society.
This is not a good comparison, but I think this is the only one that comes close to feminism today, and
that's "affirmative action", remember when some white people were complaining of reverse discrimination, now it's males who are receiving the reverse discrimination. Some miner examples,
when men talk to co-workers or strangers or friends about their child/children, the first thing that some
people say is "do you live with your kids" or "do you see your children" like we are expected to not be in their lives. Society treats us like 2nd class parents and it seems it has become the norm and socially
accepted to discriminate against fathers. The other example, this happen a few years ago of a little boy in elementary school in the southeastern part of the country, he was suspended from school for kissing
a girl, he probably didn't know what he did or why he was being thrown out of school, it was blamed on
the "no tolerance rule" but I know feminism had a hand in that too.
If Women's rights advocates really want to help this country, they should stop shouting "my body, my choice" yes, it's your body but not your choice because you did not conceive by yourself (and sometimes you make that clear to us) these are our children too, so that doesn't make any sence.
You should start advocating for women to be on the front lines in the armed forces, stoping prostitution
ending free admission or half priced drinks at bars and nightclubs, advocating equal prison sentencing for the same crimes men commit, you want to be equal, right! and so do I..........
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