Wednesday, April 3, 2013


In defence of unwed fathers, you can't make anyone marry you. It takes two people.

Basically, America doesn't care about us! Our problems, parental choices, health, we don't even have the right to stop the legalized murder of our children (abortion). With the overkill of feminism in recent years and the lack of equal parental rights for fathers, 83% of all single families are now headed by women, male gender discrimination in family courts running unchecked by the government. You got to admit, there's some bias going on here! Fathers and especially unwed fathers
are being forced out of their children's lives by feminist backed organisation ( who help the mothers),
family courts, state cps services who tell unwed mothers that "they don't need the father in their child's life". Fathers are less likely to have help in court, most feel that they don't need a lawyer because they have done nothing wrong and they haven't, they just want to be apart of their child's life.
In a country where fathers are still looked at as "cash cows" not parents. Even though women want to be looked at as making and spending their own money. The PBS show "to the contrary" hosted by Bonnie Erbe, panel of feminist even said "single women in the workforce and higher education, (which is now competitive for men) are seeing their salaries rise and single fathers salaries decline".
It is not that more men leave the family, it is that more women are choosing to be single parents, even before the baby is born! I can see why "some" men/fathers leave, why even try in a society that looks at you like a rapist, sperm donor, 2nd class parent and a weekly/monthly financial slave!
We are not strangers, we are fathers and deserve parental equality........

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