Yep! Feminist are rearing their ugly heads again with the same lies and unstantiated claims that women are paid less and more single women are living in poverty. 1. You have to remember that unwed mothers are still the only parent that has automatic custody and rights to their children which in-turn makes them responsible for their situation ( im not advocating marriage ) but joint custody would be the right thing to do. 2. Financial Slavery(childsupport) does not always go to the child/children, some states unlawfully use it to pay back unemployment, back taxes etc. from parents who they think owes. The unwed mothers also use the money on other things instead of spending it on the child, ( this is why unwed fathers want the Parental Rights Bill to include childsupport accountability, to make sure that its being spent on the child ) As the other parent, we would rather unwed fathers be granted the same parent rights as unwed mothers, this would aleaviate that problem.
3. These women are chooseing to be single, to not work and have the taxpayer pay for their responsibilities.
4. Women today aren't being paid less then men. this is a myth, women maintained and got more jobs than men before, during and after the Great Resession. Their are more women then men attending and graduating colleges than ever before.
5. Feminism is sometimes a double edged sword. Like slavery used to be, it has been pounded so far back into our heads, "oh, it should be natural for a mother to have sole custody of the offspring"
"the mother should be the only parent to have full and automatic parental rights" SEE HOW OUTDATED AND FOOLISH THIS SOUNDS!
6. OBAMA, Since his presidentcy started, he has only advocated for women, now what if this was a race of people, there would be a big outcry, right!. so why wasn't there a big outcry for men's rights when the President, of all people, was and still is practising gender discrimination. Women are subjecting themselfves to poverty (if any) "because" of feminism, women can only blame women!
The state of Connecticut where a divorced father is testifiying in front of a board of state lawmakers,
he says his exwife told a family court judge "that his visits with his daughter is a inconvience to their daily routine" after I heard that I just smiled, it sounded soo ignorant and dismissive
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