Wednesday, June 4, 2014


"Be a man, take care of yours".  "Take responsibility, stand up and be a man".  We hear these words all the time, words that try to attack your manhood to belittle you. In this day & age, where being and acting "male" is politically-incorrect. 
Men today are fighting an up-hill battle in all aspects of their lives, inequality towards men is being ignored.  Men's Health Care for example is under funded, our lives are less important than a women's life.  Criminal Justice System & Corrections, women serve less time for the same crimes committed by men, have lower bails and more visitations with physical contact than men.  Don't even let me get started on the Family Court System, I can go on and on.

Some say men shouldn't be made to pay child support for a child they don't want. A woman can have baby, get a abortion or adoption a man doesn't have a choice, or does he. The only choice he has is not to have sex( "my body, my choice" or  "my wallet, my choice"). We do see some questionable paternity's that were thrusted on men who did not want children. I wanted to be in my kids lives, but when you have the mother, the court and cps against you and poor, it's hard when there's no enforcement against male gender discrimination in parenthood.
Look at who created and started Child-Support, the federal government. To recoup the aid money that they send to States that give it to (the majority) single mothers. Most of the money isn't even spent on the child, it goes back to gov't. The gov't says it's child-support but its actually a fine against unwed fathers because they are not married ( some mothers do pay C.S. but the majority are fathers)
Fathers should only be made to pay C.S. if with a clear head and mother had no ill-will to stick him with a unwanted child, but knew the out come of his actions and used no protection, but refused to support the child, then and only then should he pay.

The State Of Utah (because of spotlight) changed a few laws to give a "bow" to fathers but still no real change that would give fathers equal footing to mothers.
The State Of New Jersey a court there now says that a biological father has no right to be in the delivery room, well I say, she had no problem with him being in the bedroom!! I mean WHAT! it's his baby too com'on

The government needs to make some of these mothers get off their fat asses and get jobs, stop punishing just fathers because it took two people to make that baby.

Start celebrating the differences between male and female, not promote one over the other. We are all in this together, we are two consenting adults that made a conscious decision together!

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