Monday, April 25, 2016

Children are human beings, not belongings. Children need the love, caring, nurturing, and guidance of both their mother and father throughout their lives. “Awarding” custody of a child to either the mother or father in divorce creates an atmosphere of contempt and competition, but more importantly it deprives the child of the benefit of the day to day nurturing of either their mother or father. Here are OUR current campaigns ~STOP Court’s DENIAL of REASONABLE Parent/Child CONTACTStop Court Ordered Parental Alienation and Judicial MisconductLet’s Join Purple Keyboard Campaign 4 Family Justice Reform!Let us make the politicians and media aware of all the knowledge we have of Family Court and Child ProtectionAdopt Uniform Parenting Time GuidelinesRepeal Inconsistent Rules and Presumptions – Ask the Family Court to adopt uniform rules requiring equal parenting timeStand Up For ZorayaBring awareness, celebrate, and support Father-Daughter Relationship EducationGet the News Media Attention on Family Law ReformChildren, Families and Society as a whole are being undermined by the effects Family Law Courts, Child ProtectionWorld4Justice – Lobby Forum- Justice4ChildrenFAMILY JUSTICE REFORMED: DEVELOPING A NEW PROCESS AND EDUCATING THE PUBLIC, THE MEDIA, AND THE POLITICIANS.STOP ABSOLUTE DISCRETION OF FAMILY COURT JUDGESDemanding that Family Courts fulfill public’s right to fair, efficient justice with dignity, professionalism, courtesy.Bring awareness to Parental Alienation in Family CourtParental Alienation deprives children of their right to be loved by and showing love for both of their parentsReform Family Law ~ Stop Hurting Parents and ChildrenWorld4Justice : Cyber Protest! Put Family Justice and Child Welfare Reform at the top of Politicians Agenda!Add 28th Parental Rights Amendment to U.S. ConstitutionDedicated to the proposition that children are best served by having unfettered EQUAL access to BOTH parents.

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